Saturday, December 12, 2020
Attached photo of Gloria as a small child in the 4th grade, 1953, at the Hermantown School. I have attached this photo as a measure of looking at her life from childhood through adult years as well as the thoughtful comments in her obituary.
As I reflect on the life and passing of Gloria Merritt Carpentier, I am reminded of her historic paternal ties to Duluth and the continuous line of educational achievement that runs through her family. Her great2 grandfather Jerome Merritt was the first public school teacher on the North Shore. Jerome taught 12 students his first year, 1856. Going forward from that humble beginning at Oneota, two of Gloria’s children graduated 100+ years later from the Air Force Academy.
It is clear that for the last seven years, Gloria fought the good fight and that battle has ended. I acknowledge the grief her family is feeling and honor their loss at this time as each recalls their special memories of Gloria.
My sincere condolences to Gloria’s family.
“Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.
Sincerely, Ron Merritt