Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Jani, it's been so many years since graduation and the last time I've seen you. I've always hoped we would see each other again. You've given me so many SWEET childhood memories I will never forget you and what a blessing it is to have to had you in my life. I remember the times at Nelson Dewey when we would walk over to your grandma's house to eat lunch, your pet squirrel, the smell of your basement, the horse collection in your bedroom, the animal fur you brought to show and tell in kindergarten, the club we had in anticipation of which one of us would start menstruating first, playing Red Rover Rover in your back yard, Luke Baker and Evan Ostrander, ice skating, Wisconsin Point, the strawberry accessories your mom had in the kitchen, our high school years. Never will you be forgotten, my prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for being a wonderful childhood friend! I will always cherish all our memories and just as you wrote in my SSHS yearbook that you love me... I love you too!