Sunday, December 6, 2020
Dear Jan and Family,
I was so saddened to hear of Kenny's passing. Although we didn't talk often, Kenny was a great neighbor and always made me smile when we chatted. I'm really going to miss hearing, and seeing, him and his crazy cars and cool motorcycles pulling out on Highway 5. It didn't matter where we were on our property, whenever we heard him leaving we'd all say, "There goes Kenny" and smile. One of my favorite memories with Kenny was probably 20 years ago when we were down at the Woman Lake Inn playing catchphrase. Kenny was there and we invited him to join us, which he did. He had to get us all to guess "Mary Poppin's" and the clue that he gave us to guess her was, "She had a Bitch'in Umbrella!" WE got immediately and couldn't stop laughing. Every time I hear Mary Poppins, I can only think of Kenny and her "Bitch'n Umbrella". Kenny was a great man and we will miss him in the neighborhood.
With much sympathy and respect,
Anna McElduff Wagner (The youngest Wagner;) )
Jan I'll be back next summer, if I can help with anything please let me know: