Friday, September 18, 2020
This is so hard to comprehend. My sincere sympathy to the whole family. I went to high school with Mitch, and I think we were in a small association of kids in Northwood who were Catholic :) I saw Mitch last at our high school class reunion -- which must have been in 2012. At the fairgrounds in Northwood. I sat down with Mitch at a picnic table, and we chatted for a long time. It was true, that we picked up right where we left off. He was the same Mitch :) One random thing I remember talking about was beading -- beading necklaces, etc. I had an interest in learning, and Mitch said if I ever wanted to come up to the Cities and "bead" with him, I was welcome. I really hoped that would happen someday. Or at least I would chat with him again. Maybe that is what I will remember about Mitch. He was open and welcoming to everyone, it seemed. He was matter-of-fact in his calm & quiet way. Kind.
And comfortable. Comfortable in who he was, and he made me feel comfortable talking to him. He is a beautiful soul.