Saturday, August 29, 2020
Judie loved to sing. I remember many, many nights going to Karaoke at some place off Rice Street. Going to karaoke at Sun Ray Bowling Lanes in East St. Paul. Playing Karaoke Roulette! "Nobody Does It Better" was my mom's staple song. Oh boy, you better listen when she sang that song, but she belted that one out so you just HAD to listen. Not just a "karaoke" singer, an amazing singer. A beautiful voice. She got me to get up to sing and then you couldn't stop me. I quit drinking but still went to karaoke bars to get that adrenaline rush. Thanks mom for the 8 gin & sours it took to get me up there to sing for the first time. I had no idea how fun it could be. I love you, I miss you and wish I could have been there on your last day.