Nancy posted a condolence
Sunday, May 10, 2020
While we weren't privileged to know Norma, we do know Tammy. Tammy is a loving and caring person who will always put others first. She has a wonderful smile and a contagious laugh! She has been with my brother for a lifetime making him happy. The reason we can say these things about Tammy is because her mother, Norma, taught her to be just that way. A very special person has gone to sleep in death. There is comfort in the Scriptures. Revelations 21:4 says that death will be no more, neither will there be pain or sorrow, even tears will be no more. John 5: 28-29 speaks of a resurrection and to not marvel at this as Jesus had just resurrected Lazarus back to life, showing the truthfulness of those words. The God of all Comfort has spoken these things so we know that Norma is in safe hands and not forgotten by God, her children and those of us who wish we had a chance to know her To her family we share in your loss and hope that our thoughts and prayers continue to keep you reassured of our love for you and that you find a calm heart in the days ahead and enjoy all the memories your Mom left to carry you through the rest of your life. Her legacy shines through each of your smiles!
Much love,
Ron, Nancy, Shayla and Danny Hogan