Monday, March 2, 2020
Shirley was my father Charles Pasanen's niece, and he was also Shirley's daughter Jean's godfather. I have many fond memories of Shirley and her wonderful family. Growing up I can remember driving from Ely and coming to stay at their house and playing with her children, Kathy and Dickey. I remember one time running through the field to get away from the bull. We were all so sad when Dickey died. I remember when Shirly worked at K-Mart and how she always greeted my husband, David, and I so warmly when we saw her there. In later years Shirley and Pete came to several birthday parties for our children. Shirley was a very kind, generous and loving person. It always made me happy just to be with her. She was wonderful with children, and they all loved her too. She always spoke so fondly of her own children and grandchildren. Shirley will be sadly missed and fondly remembered. We have all been blessed to have her in our lives. Nancy Pasanen Lundein