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Obituary of Terrence Leo Lydell
Terrence Leo Lydell was born on March 16, 1945 at 4:50 p.m. in St. Paul, Minnesota; followed by his twin brother, Tim at 4:56 p.m. to Milton and Theresa Lydell. Terry attended St. Mark’s Catholic School in St. Paul where he distinguished himself by starting a student organization called Markers and serving as its president. He graduated from Benilde High School in 1963. His childhood was spent engaged with his large extended family, Boy Scouts, and in service to his church and neighborhood.
Though he was born completely deaf in his left ear, Terry was drafted into the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. In basic training at Fort Hood, Texas where he was being trained as a reconnaissance scout - known as the “eyes and the ears of the battalion” - he would quickly remind them - “that’s the eyes and the EAR of the battalion, sir.” He served 10 months and 16 days with the 1st Cavalry in Vietnam and survived the Tet Offensive and horrors that he never talked about but which cemented his longing for peace and fueled his work to live and teach peace.
Ten days after his return from Vietnam, Terry and Barb were married at St. Leo’s Catholic Church in St. Paul on September 21, 1968. Three days later he began college at Rochester State Junior College for two semesters and finally St. Thomas College where he graduated in 1971 with a B.A. in History and Education.
Terry began his teaching career at Wilson Junior High in St. Paul where he taught English and Social Studies until he left teaching in 1981. He worked for Schaak Electronics’ Digital Den and sold Apple-Compatible Computers, as well as running his own small business, the Outdoor Merchant. In 1985, he returned to the University of Minnesota to complete his Masters in Education. From 1986-1996 he taught at Highview Alternative Program in Robbinsdale and from 1996-2007 he taught at Oak Grove High School in Mounds View. As a teacher passionate about alternative education, Terry joined the MN Association of Alternative Programs (MAAP) where he served as Communication Chair, Vice President, and finally President until February of 2008.
Terry was a wonderful father and is adored by Jen and Jill - always their protector, teacher and hero. He loved them unconditionally and beyond belief and valued their lives even more than his own!
Life expanded in a wonderful way for Terry when he became a grandfather. Elizabeth Besser, Lynnea (Helman) Harrison, Erin Besser, and Zachary Helman were the lights of his life. Terry would often tell young fathers -- “Whatever you have to go through now is worth it, because one day you’ll get to be a grandfather.”
He retired from teaching in June of 2007 to turn his attention and time to the activities he enjoyed most -- grandchildren, gardening, hunting, reading, volunteering with Pheasants Forever, the Ruffed Grouse Society, MN Deer Hunters Association, and his favorite - MN Prairie Chicken Society.
Terry’s last two years were challenged by serious illness - first prostate cancer and then last August AML Leukemia. In spite of the physical limitations it put on him, he loved his family. His every thought was how to make our lives better and more secure. He taught us an indelible lesson that “if there’s a will, there’s a way” by going deer hunting with Zach just two weeks after spending eight weeks in the hospital. He fought to get well and because of his strong will, we had him for our 55th wedding anniversary, one more deer hunting trip and another Christmas. Terry passed away on March 14, 2024, just days before his 79th birthday. He’s loved and mourned by his wife Barb; daughters Jennifer (Brice) Besser and Jillian Lydell; grandchildren Elizabeth and Erin Besser, Lynnea (John) Harrison, and Zachary (Carolyn) Helman; siblings Mike (Barb) Lydell, Tim (Wanda) Lydell and Jeanne (Doug) Olson; and many cherished friends and family.

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