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Obituary of K. Cash Luck
Cash was her name, nature was her life. When she spoke of those she loved (and she loved many) she said: "You are as beautiful as a loons call and soaring eagle overhead. Strong as a sudden storm. As meaningful as a moonlit night. As joyful as a singing campfire. Meaningful as a whispering breeze. As gentle as a newborn fawn." Cash's name came from a box her grandfather gave her that she filled with a cache of her treasures and buried on her property. Cash (who always signed her name $) was born in Mandan, North Dakota on May 29, 1937 and grew up in an extended-family situation in which her grandfather, mother, Cousin Becky and Aunt Gwen influenced her love of nature, wild life and people. Graduating with a BS in Physical Education from St. Catherine's College in 1958, Cash went on to accomplish amazing adventures in her adult life. She was a pilot who flew her own Piper Cub airplane when she taught school in Glendive, Montana. She taught horseback riding and land and water sports and organized modular scheduling for Camp We-Ha-Kee in Winter, Wisconsin. While teaching at Regina High School in Minneapolis, Cash created several innovative programs in Physical Education including an Interim Program which allowed students to be self-directed in their learning. Thus, she was listed in the 1973 Who's Who of Outstanding Secondary Educators of America. She was published twice in the Journal of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. She contributed to eight different college textbooks on teaching, administration, and facilitation methods for Physical Education. Cash built her own cabin in Remer, MN, with the recruited help of many friends. The cabin is named "Woodja" because she said things like, "If you're coming up north, woodja (would ya) mind bringing an extra hammer?" Cash was also a realtor for Century 21, where she received several awards for Outstanding Performance and Distinguished Achievement. The Minneapolis Roosevelt Community School staff will always remember Cash as one of the more innovative program directors there where she created a program that brought seniors together with teens for adult education, and programs that started discussion groups among a variety of ethnic families in the area. After retiring Cash traveled through India for two months with Karen Regan, a former student from Regina High School, and used her talent in photography to produce a video of her trip documenting not only her love for that country but her belief that we are all one people. Finally, for the nearly fifty years she lived in Remer, Cash was very active in fighting for environmental safety. One lakeshore owner said, "She will be remembered by many including those on Thunder Lake who were aware of all the work she did for the lake, the environment, and the folks around the lake I'm not sure she ever got enough credit for all her efforts She probably did more than the rest of us put together did!!" Cash wanted to improve the world in all her endeavors. Cash Luck passed away on September 9, 2017. She was above all a good steward of the earth and its resources. Survivors: Becky (Bob) Mushik Huelskamp Roesler family; Marie (Mike) Fischer family; Ross (Patty) Mushik family; Marilynn (Art) Mushik-Skantz family; Sara (Steve) Hoge family; Claire (Tony) Justiniano family; Heather Gebhart family; and many other cousins. Preceded in death: mother: Lucile Dahners Luck; father: Robert Luck; aunt & uncle: Gwen & John Mushik.
A Memorial Tree was planted for K.
We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Cremation Society of Minnesota
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