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Obituary of Vincent E Kershaw
Dr. Vincent E. Kershaw passed away from complications of Covid on November 17th in Duluth. Born in Omaha in 1929, he graduated from the Univ of Omaha, & the NE Medical Center. He had an incredible work ethic. Starting with his first job at age 11, he counted 30 jobs before becoming a physician, including church janitor, taxi driver, bone carrier, & vacuum salesperson. More than anything else he was a healer of people and the land. He was a family physician in Omaha for 44 years. He helped found Wapiti Wilderness in the early 1970s to preserve native prairies in NE, the assets of which later became part of the Nature Conservancy. He loved camping, especially in the Boundary Waters, books & poetry, photography, holiday traditions, woodworking, & most of all, his family. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Sandy; his six children, David, Vincene, Mark, Melissa, Sean, Jeremy, & their families; & many nieces & nephews.
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