Thursday, November 12, 2020
I met Lynn awhile back and would talk, over time we didn't see each other.
One day I happened to walk into the Battle Ax in Iron River. I happen to notice someone who I recognized but it was sometime sence I've seen her.
I noticed she had a pair of hippie pants on and I seen she was wearing them incorrectly. I walked up to her and said "You're wearing your pants backwards, she looked at me puzzled thinking I was crazy.
She recognized me, laughing, why was she? I said I had a pair & needed to be tied differently .
She headed off to the lady's room & retied her pants. She said a big difference on how they fit! After that we stay good friends ever sence
I will truly miss my friend & the seasons just won't be the same without her in it, I love and will miss you my friend, R.I.P.
Always J. Bloom