Friday, October 9, 2020
Granny: I watched your memorial service today and read your obituary and it took me back and forth over dozens of years. I am so glad that you I saw you when I came back for Claudia's memorial service. I was telling Michelle that when you learned that I wanted to go to Duluth and needed to rent a car, you offered to take the entire day and spend the day driving me back and forth. Both of us talked non-stop the whole time. It was a day I treasure.
Your mom was my favorite aunt. I adored her. We had so much fun together. I loved spending time with her, I just wish she had more days on this earth. She gave me my most prized possession. When my Dad was in WW2, he bought a cameo in Italy and sent it home to Aunt June. I wear it on all important occasions- my wedding, my Dads memorial service, Claudia's memorial service and many other important and/or holy days. I try to wear it often- life is too short to keep it in the jewelry box. I took it out today and set it by the computer when I watched your memorial service on youtube. At the end, I held it and wished for the best reunion for Grandpa Brouse, my Dad, Uncle Bud, Aunt June, Aunt Tiny, Aunt Audrey, Uncle Jimmy, Mary Jane, Claudia, Lanny and now you. "Now he belongs to the ages."