Thursday, May 14, 2020
Dear Hawthorne Family,
Your dear Mother was one of the finest people that I met during my childhood years in our village of Mahtomedi. Jane Hawthorne was a presence with all of you at St. Jude's on Sunday morning, at Wakota Arena in 1965, the first year of youth hockey in our town when son Brent made the cut on the first ever Mahtomedi Bantam team as a fourth line forward (with John Soucheray and me!), bringing us bottles of Orange Crush as we had sleepovers at their home in Willernie (Brent got that silver front tooth from a pop bottle, not a hockey stick), offering delicious homebaked cookies as we played in their yard on Warner Road in grade school summers, at every High School hockey game as Brent/Danny/Mike became a line that could really play, to games when Greg and I played at Aldrich Arena, and then games when Doug joined the team as a sophomore for games at Columbia Arena. (I never had anything but fun in equal measure hanging out first with Brent, then Greg, and finally with Dougie during my Senior year) Great memories.
Jane was ever present, and she was ALWAYS smiling the most beautiful smile that was inherited by Paul, whom I only knew smiling that Hawthorne smile from his perfect photo that was always visible in their home, by beautiful Pam, Denise, and Patti (Honestly, Pam and Denise often visited me in my dreams, sorry Patti you were just a little kid then:), and by the boys who I only remember smiling, laughing, and enjoying each day we were alive. Jeff, you are not forgotten, as you were then the cute little Hawthorne brother who adored and idolized his older siblings. The Hawthorne Family was a Mahtomedi cornerstone family of my youth, a family all Egan's felt close to, that we admired, enjoyed, and that we loved. This feeling came from our parent's, Pat and Mary, that loved Frank and Jane, and respected them as wonderful citizens of our very special village. Your Mother gave you something greater than beautiful genes (as if that was not enough!), she gave you a love of life, warm hearts, and a loving acceptance of your neighbors and friends. the Egan's were honored by your collective friendship. What a great gift you all learned in Jane and Frank's home...the best of all gifts.
How do you replace such a wonderful influence in all of our lives? The simple answer is that sadly we do not. But she will live forever now with all of you, and live forever when I return to the Mahtomedi area and drive through Willernie, past the former Picadilly site, up Mahtomedi Avenue past St. Jude's, up Hickory past Larkin's and the old Fire Hall, drive down Warner Road pst your old home toward Juniper, drive to the old high school and look behind the former school where Ray Rolllings old green warming house sat, past the outdoor rinks where we spent our winter days together. They are all there, forever, those wonderful people who made Mahtomedi an idyllic place for us.
Now Jane and Frank will proudly lie together at Ft. Snelling, a stone's throw from the burial site of Pat and Mary Egan. She will continue to live in your hearts forever, and in the hearts of all of us who were fortunate enough to know your Mom, ...Jane, ...Mrs. Hawthorne, the kindest lady with the biggest heart and the most genuine smile ever.
Rest in Peace, Jane, you made all of our lives better, thank you!
with gratitude, and love,
Tim Egan
(Munich, Germany)