Monday, April 27, 2020
+ 1
We went on so many adventure it's hard to pick the best one. Walking down to the crick (not creek) to throw in really BIG rocks, four wheeling around the gravel pit in the mud, just walking around the trails in the woods, or getting in the van to go to "town" for treats driving way too fast, or the time everyone came to Montana in crazy blizzard to see me, and we made you hike up a mountain!
Out of all our exploring the one I remember most is when you and I were walking down the dirt road at the cabin and I found a huge stick and some rope on the side of the road...I then proceeded to tie the rope around the stick and pretend it was my new dog "Lassie" and for some reason we thought it was the funniest thing in the world! I think you may have peed your pants laughing at me.
Thanks for always letting us be crazy & wild! Letting us swim in bird baths, shove fists full of frozen blueberries in our mouths, jump in every puddle, eat all the Little Debbie's, chocolate covered peanuts, and donuts we wanted, watch every movie 100 times over, play every game, and starting all those long bonfires.
There was never a dull moment! Hope you've got a martini in hand, are goin' somewhere fun, & gettin' there at your preferred 80 mph.
My favorite "poem" of Grandma's, that often gets stuck in my head now and then:
"Listen, Listen
The cat's pissin'
Where, Where?
Under the chair!"