Friday, April 10, 2020
A dear friend recently informed me that noted author, Jacqueline Ari Murray, had passed away on March 18,2020. In 1988,Jacqueline called me from New York sometime in that year before her book,THE POWER OF DRESS,1989 and told me she was seeking out persons with a reputation for being well dressed to include in her book and that in her research, my name had come up several times. Needless to say, she made THAT day for me!
She flew out to Neiman-Marcus in Beverly Hills to interview me after I had gotten the OK from N-M to be included. What surprised and pleased me was how she allowed the participants to tell their story virtually unedited in HER book.
I will only say now what I said to her in my Thank You letter of appreciation, "Jacqueline, you are like my hair stylist, you take a little bit and make it look like a lot!"
RIP great lady and thank you for shining your light on others and brightening their lives. Sincerely, Mark Lamia