Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Auntie Shirley, Has made so many memories in our family time together, brings laughs every time.
The first and most important is she made me promise, is about the UFO flying saucer. her and my mom Jennie locked there self's out of the house .they put a ladder up to a second story window as Shirley climbed the ladder to get in the window her sister Jennie holding the ladder. They both clamed to have seen a UFO in Mrs. Martins yard next door. As I just came home and it was dark I heard them whispering loudly. Then I came around the back and said, 'What are you both doing !.' they screamed flying saucer, get us in the house!. its coming to get us. I said What," ok" so I opened the door. The only thing bad was Shirley was stuck in the window, we did get her out. They both kept saying that I saw it. But I only heard a strange noise, I was the only other one there besides Shirley and my mom Jennie. They were really shook up. Another time was at valley fair, my husband David wanted to go on a ride called the corkscrew and the only one that would go with him was Shirley. They had a lot of fun. She forgot all about her stiff neck. The Last funny one was when I was making some frosting that just wouldn't thicken up, I had 5-bags of powder sugar in it. Then I put the frosting in the freezer and ran to the store to get more. When me and my husband got back to the cabin. There was Audrey and Shirley eating that frosting a huge bowl they said they were so hungry and it was good. But you should of seen their eyes, they were buzzing on sugar, so we ended up just getting can frosting. and laughing the whole time.
so many fun times. Everyone will miss you Auntie Shirley. we send our love and tour family. God bless! Love always David and Linda