Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Rest In Peace Aunt Patty! I’m glad you are back together with George, Jeff and John. I have so many fun memories of growing up with all of you - hanging out at Grandma, Grandpa & Rossie’s house in Princeton, going to the County Fair, Ruby and Roy’s, all the holidays together, playing with your dog Petty, hanging out with George in the basement by the fireplace, all the Bloomington Jefferson hockey & football games and many, many more memories.
Your family was a big part of my childhood. Thanks for the memories and giving me two cousins to play with while growing up.
To my second cousins, Dani, John and Kelly - I’m so sorry for your loss. You were the light in your Grandma (and Grandpa’s) lives and always will be, along with your children. When visiting with Patty at her condo or talking to her on the phone, she always talked about all of you and loved you so much!
With deep sympathy and love,
Sue Levine