Monday, May 4, 2020
With this strange state of home isolation, I have found myself with some time to dabble in one of my favorite past times...water color. Doing a study of garden blooms and my mind falls upon Barbara, who inspired the love of this medium, many years ago on a visit to MN. My cousin, visiting from Denmark, was a dear friend of Barbara's and we drove 7 hours to visit. I knew her Barb and Tom briefly, but her memory will always be there when I find the time to paint. She was a peaceful comforting soul, even to me a stranger in her home. She radiated the light, she used so well in her paintings along with respecting each detail of the wonders that present themselves in our wonderful world. She inspired me...... and helped me to find beauty everywhere, and if it hard to find... to look a little closer.
TKNelson (IL) / Cousin: Anne Malmqvist / Nordsley (Helsingnor Danmark)