Sunday, November 24, 2019
My friendship with this lovely lady goes back to the 1960's when Betty, Sharlene and Rita lived in the top duplex
on Pleasant Avenue in Mpls. Sheldon and Bev lived in the bottom duplex. We, three single gals, were transplants
from Iowa, spreading our wings in the big city. We were lucky enough to have them as co-tenants and loved spending
time with them in their unit. We felt like we had a second family with them. They were such a fun and loving
couple and always so giving. It was through Bev, who gave me her doctor's name, Sherman Child who I kept for
my doctor and through the birth of my four children. Betty (cousin) went back to Iowa and married and raised
her family in Iowa. I stayed in Mpls. I was so saddened to read of her passing. Having known her, I can only
imagine how much Bev will be missed by you but the memories she left you with must be priceless.
Our deepest sympathy and prayers go out to you. She was one very special lady. God speed, Bev.
Rita Bappe-Holmes