Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Bruce Jon Kokal
My Dearest Diane,
Both You and Bruce touched my heart in many ways during high school and after marriage. Tears, both of sadness and joyful remembrance, are unable to be held. Remembrances of Saturday afternoons and many nights with hockey sticks slung across our shoulders with skates dangling upon them, and so many youthful conversations shared – many including you – are being rewound and replayed as we made our way to the outdoor rink in town. Yesterday and today, all have remained in my thoughts, and will forever remain in my prayers. Thank you both for kindly encouraging, in part, my introducing you to each other – I love you both . . .
I can only imagine the difficult moments your family, your loved ones, and your friends experienced upon learning of the diagnosis and Bruce’s battle thrust upon him – and each of you.
A recurring thought is that kind and gentle words, shared from the heart, can be welcome and meaningful. However, words often seem so inadequate. Prayer so powerful though often silent. How do we summon the faith to share the emotions that consume our heart, our mind and our soul?
Words cannot fully describe our emotions. During difficult moments, we often rely on our faith, often questioning the same faith, when we ask “Why God, why?”
As your family, loved ones and friends gathered to support each other, all of the wonderful moments and memories shared are and will truly remain as a celebration of Bruce’s life. Jesus called him home to be with God. While Bruce received his reward for a life of love and caring, your faith, your humility, and your courage will continue his remembrance – the gift of life, given and invited to be an inspiration to all.
“. . . the most precious gift we will ever receive is our gift of life. Our life is a gift from God. It is a precious gift that we do not have to earn or save for, a gift that we do not have to study and pass a test to receive, a gift that is not a prize we must win, and a gift that does not come as a reward for emeritus service or performance. Our precious gift of life is a gift that is given freely and with one request. A request that we reverence, nurture and share our gift with everyone we encounter, share our gift with all of creation. It is a simple request that we often have difficulty sharing easily and openly.” Your heart now holds close the essence of your beloved Bruce.
At my Father’s Mass of Christian Burial, I implored everyone gathered in honor of my father, to be passionate with their words of remembrance. This day, may you honor your beloved Bruce with your own words of loving memory; and with a simple promise. Promise you will always remember him by weaving his special gifts into the fabric of your life. Promise Bruce that with each new breath you draw and step you take you will honor him with your words and with your actions. During your life’s journey continue to be aware of all of God’s children. Share Bruce’s Smile and Spirit with everyone you meet, if only for a few seconds, a few minutes, a few hours or for a life time.
For it is in giving that we truly receive. God is always there to give us strength and comfort. At this moment, He is holding your husband in His arms. As you fulfill your promise, family and friends who knew Bruce may often say of you. You remind them of your precious loved one, of his love and compassion. One so honored is loved by many, loved by God. Continue to be Bruce’s and His, presence in the world.
Many of my fondest memories are of people I have had the pleasure to meet. Whether just a smile, a nod of acknowledgement, a pleasant hello, a brief encounter or a lasting relationship, everyone adds something to our lives and some will add more than others.
Throughout life, I believe it is sharing that has benefited us the most and not necessarily sharing any gift or talent we may possess. Our greatest blessings come from sharing a moment with another person. Everything we say to another, do for another or accomplish on behalf of another is initiated by our willingness to share a moment in time. When our Spirit allows another person to feel comfortable in our presence, so many wonderful experiences are possible – silence can be enjoyed, listening can be rewarded, words can be appreciated, a message can be heard, tasks can be accomplished, relationships can be reinforced or mended, events can be defining, love can be made, the possibilities are endless. It starts with sharing a moment, sharing a moment together; nothing has value unless it is shared.
I am unable to express how blessed and honored I am to call you friends. With each new breath you draw and step you take, May Bruce and Jesus be ever present in the faith journey you share . . .
Hugs, Bright Blessings, and Love, – Christine Renae Perpetua Charles
- Charlie, AHL Black Hawks #14