Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Dennis, RuthAnn, Brenda-
Jack & Nancy notified us of the passing of your dad. As we both have experienced the passing of our parents we understand the void this leaves in your lives. We did reminisce a bit about hanging out at your house on 5th Street, listening to his jokes (not all can be repeated!) One time, many years ago I was in the Forest Lake area for my job and decided to look him up. When I knocked on his door it took me a long time to convince him who I was- many of the escapades with you Dennis finally convinced him and we had a good conversation on the steps. He told me about the passing of your mother and his love for her and for you guys was my lasting memory of our brief interaction.
We are glad we knew him growing up. Take care, and if you ever travel south to Northfield please look us up.
Dave & Rhea Miller