Saturday, May 18, 2019
Judy, Larry, Anne, and Daniel—I was shocked and saddened to hear of Beth’s passing. You all have been on my mind and in my heart ever since. I saw Beth last at my wedding 25 years ago and lost touch with her several years later when one of my letters was returned undeliverable. I tried searching for her online a few times in recent years, without success (which may say more about my poor search ability than her small digital footprint). I will always remember her with a smile, whether it’s from our days as middle school locker mates, fellow girl scouts, college roommates, or friends in general. It sounds like she remained the Beth I knew for the rest of her life. I clearly remember her large, eclectic collection of records, not just the top 40 stuff most teens had. And oh, that girl could devour books! She’d read late into the night, long after I’d fallen asleep. She also had an enormous appetite—but she never gained weight. I particularly remember when the dorm had sundae night and she ate 5 large sundaes, with all sorts of rich toppings. Needless to say, she didn’t feel so hot afterward. Being the ornery friends we were, a couple of us contacted the guy she was seeing at the time and asked him to invite Beth out for ice cream and then go into graphic detail on the sundae toppings he wanted. You should have seen her face while she was on the phone, looking more nauseated all the time. Finally we could stand it no longer and burst out laughing at our successful prank. I don’t remember what she said to us, but I’m sure it was one of the witty remarks she remained known for. The girl had an irrepressible joie de vivre. I’ll miss her. Rest in peace, my friend.